OHM Fitness Lawrence
OHM Fitness offers high tech training that is typically reserved for elite athletes. OHM’s 25-minute workouts produce results faster than extensive gym workout sessions. All OHM Fitness workouts are led by certified personal trainers or certified fitness instructors. OHM Fitness members wear the patent-pending emPower Suit, which activates 90 percent of the body’s muscle groups in a rapid, full-flex mode that is difficult to achieve in other types of workouts. OHM members have access to the Styku 3D body scan, which measures body fat and provides advanced before and after images to gauge their fitness progress and results. OHM’s Red Light Therapy Rooms are beneficial to members in helping them recharge after their workouts. The emPower Suit provides electro muscle stimulation to produce enhanced fitness results in a 25-minute session versus hours of high impact gym workout sessions. Categories
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Claim your FREE one-week trial now valued at more than $650 including access to three classes, a STYKU body scan, a red therapy session and personal fitness consultations.
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Lawrence Kansas
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718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
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(785) 865-4411
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