Monthly Chakra Workshop; Healing and Meditation
Our energy body consists of hundreds of chakras and layers of auric field that work 24-7 to metabolize different forms of energy and protect us from imbalances. Every day we wake up, walk around, and go to bed in a giant energy shell that is our energetic self! Our energy system can become clogged when we fail to process our emotions, as well as from a lack of regular energy maintenance such as meditation, proper exercise, and a healthy diet. When our energy centers are not working at full capacity, we begin to feel the physical impacts on our bones, tissues, muscles, and eventually in, our organ systems. The failure to maintain our energetic health can result in disease and chronic ailments such as arthritis, liver disease, thyroid imbalance, etc. Each month you will receive a healing treatment under the Crystalline Consciousness Technique(TM) and a chakra clear from the Daily Ritual Meditation Protocol. After the healings, we dive into an active, journaling chakra meditation that will introduce, acquaint, and allow you to examine and bond with your major chakra centers. Regular attendance at the Monthly Chakra Workshop will provide you with a continual clean-out that builds upon itself to provide you with radiating healing that compounds and becomes more impactful and powerful each time you attend. Each month the course will be recorded and emailed out to participants. In this way, those who cannot make the scheduled date can still receive the full healing, meditation, and benefit. Monthly Chakra Workshop Short Social Media Description Tickets available at $35 We will meet via Zoom each month, and in-person meetings are available for local groups in Lawrence, Ks upon inquiry! Text or call at 785-532-9356
Monday Sep 25, 2023
September 25, 7pm Online $35
Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy
785-532-9356Date and Time
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
October 29, 7pm
November 26, 7pm
December 17, 7pm
Times and dates flexible, just text or call 785-532-9356Location
Zoom Link provided to ticket holders. Tickets available at
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