2024 Back2School Douglas County School Supply Drive Event
The Lawrence Schools Foundation, in partnership with the United Way of Kaw Valley, Salvation Army, ECKAN, Eudora Public Schools & Foundation, Baldwin City Public Schools & Education Foundation and Lawrence Schools & Foundation, invites your participation in the 2024 Douglas County Back2School supply drive.
Monday Jul 1, 2024
Friday Aug 2, 2024
1) Sign up your business/organization to be a collection site for school supplies July 1-July 31:
Dena Johnston
This collaboration gathers and organizes resources to help low-income students obtain required supplies for the 2024-25 school year. With your help, we aim to provide Douglas County children with the necessary tools so that they may succeed on the first day of school and beyond.
In previous years, our annual effort has produced backpacks filled with school supplies for approximately 1,800 students. This year’s goal is to provide a complete supply kit for every Douglas County youth in need, as well as excess to teachers for their classroom closets to replace and refresh throughout the year.
Below are a few ways you can support our efforts.
1. Donation bin: We can place a Douglas County Back2School donation bin at your business/office from July 1-31. The location of the donation area could be determined by you. Challenge your staff or clients to participate! We can provide our own signage and transportation of the donated items.
2. Tabling: We would like to schedule a time for volunteers to table outside your businesses entrance during the month of July. Our volunteers would be stationed outside the business during agreed upon times, asking customers to consider purchasing extra school supplies and donating them to Douglas County Back2School for distribution to students in need. We can provide our own signage, means of collection and transportation of the donated items. Our request for assistance is simply to allow our volunteers to be outside your store.
Note: If you or your employees would like to volunteer to help with the Back2School drive there are many ways we can get them engaged!
Any support you can provide is appreciated; we will recognize all supporters publicly for their contributions.
To confirm participation details, please contact
Jessica Barraclough, United Way team, at (785)843-6626 or email: jbarraclough@uwkawvalley.org or
Jamie Sinclair, Lawrence Schools Foundation team at 785-330-1854 or email: jsinclai@usd497.org.
We welcome your engagement on behalf of Douglas County students and educators.Images
Date and Time
We can place a Douglas County Back2School donation bin at your business/office from July 1-31. The location of the donation area could be determined by you. Challenge your staff or clients to participate! We can provide our own signage and transportation of the donated items.
2) August 4th & 5th --- Walmart Stuff The Bus Events:
Sign up to volunteer to oversee the booth and pass out flyers to interested shoppers of suggested items to purchase inside of Walmart. On their way out of the store items are collected in large bins. Volunteer as an individual or gather your coworkers and work as a team!
3) August 2024---- Unloading, Sorting & Packing Supplies & Backpacks
Volunteers will join us onsite at Hillcrest Elementary to sort & pack backpacks with school supplies donated and collected by our area business partners & the Walmart events.
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