Kansas Relay 5K - First Annual
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Rock Chalk Park $40 per runner which includes:
Michelle DuhaimeJoin us for the first Kansas Relays 5K presented by RCB Bank!
All runners welcome! To sign-up, simply go to www.runsignup.com and enter "Kansas Relays". The race should pop right up.
The award presented for each division top finisher is the Official Kansas Relays Wristwatch. This is the same wristwatch the 2023 Kansas Relays Athletes receive for their participation!
The price to compete is $40 per runner and includes:
- Electronic timed race bib
- T-Shirt
- Event Medal
- Admission to the Kansas Relays for the day of April 15th at Rock Chalk Park
Date and Time
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
The race will begin and end on the track at Rock Chalk Park.Fees/Admission
- Electronic timed race bib
- T-Shirt
- Event Medal
- Admission to the Kansas RelaysContact Information
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