Events Calendar
Join us at D-BAT Lawrence as many days as you want for baseball camp! Camp days will focus on developing all skills for baseball such as fielding, hitting, bunting, throwing and learning the rules and terminology of the game. Most importantly we will have fun!
Be sure to bring your own water and a sack lunch! The Kansas Turnpike will switch to a cashless system on July 1, 2024. You will experience Change on the roadway and how you pay your toll or, if you have a KTAG, how you manage your account. The easist way to be ready for cashless tolling, and make sure you pay the lowest toll, is to a get a KTAG. And, KTA is here to help.
KTA staff will be at The Chamber distributing FREE KTAGs and answering questions about cashless tolling. WE'll be stokcked with cashless tolling materials, too. There's no better time to get prepared.
To learn more about KTA's switch to cashless tolling, get a KTAG, and more visit
D-BAT 2024 Summer Baseball Camp
KTAG Pop-up Event at The Chamber

Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
Visit Us
718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Contact Info
(785) 865-4411
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