The Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center

The Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center


About Us

We are rooted in the community.
Since 1972, The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center has provided support for victims and survivors of sexual trauma and abuse. We were born out of grassroots efforts as the first rape crisis center in Kansas and one of the first centers in the U.S.
The Care Center is dedicated to serving people of all ages and genders, being an innovative leader in the field of sexual assault support and prevention, and continuing to promote a culture of consent here in Douglas, Franklin, and Jefferson Counties and beyond.

We envision a community free of sexual trauma & abuse.
Our work is grounded in a client-centered and trauma-informed approach. We’re dedicated to ensuring both the safety and agency of our clients. We take our clients’ lead and are prepared to provide a range of services to meet an individual’s needs. Since everyone’s experience is unique, our services are flexible and individualized to best serve our clients.

We are dedicated to providing free, confidential, and accessible services.
The Care Center is dedicated to providing free and confidential services to our clients. All of our services, including counseling, crisis response, advocacy, and education are 100% free of charge. No proof of insurance or documentation status is required. Services can also be accessed at any time in a survivor’s life, regardless of when a traumatic event has occurred. We’re always here.

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Sarah Bariya
Executive Director
Joy Stewart
Grant Manager
  • Phone: (785) 843-8985

Lawrence Kansas

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718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044

Contact Info
(785) 865-4411

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