Hallmark Cards, Inc.
The Lawrence Greetings Production Center opened in 1958.Categories
About Us
The facility is 650,000 square feet, including 94,000 square feet of warehouse space. It is one of two primary U.S. manufacturing facilities supporting Hallmark Cards, Inc.
The facility specializes in producing and packaging all of Hallmark’s domestically produced greeting cards and about 98% of all envelopes for Hallmark North America.
Hallmark brand greeting cards with specialized processes, such as die cut, flitter, flock and foil stamp, are produced in Lawrence as well as the Shoebox humor line the Sunrise brand and cards for Hallmark’s DaySpring subsidiary. Hallmark stationery and boxed cards also are produced in Lawrence.
The Lawrence Greetings Production Center employs more than 800 people.
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Lawrence Kansas
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