Douglas County Eckan Center
NON-PROFIT Hours: Mon-Fri 9-Noon, 1-4
Who We Are:Categories
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(785) 841-3357About Us
The East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation (ECKAN), a community action agency, has been in existence since 1966 serving low-income persons in Anderson, Coffey, Douglas, Franklin, Johnson, Lyon, Miami, Morris and Osage Counties.
What We Do
The success of ECKAN lies in the many services provided. These services include Community Food and Nutrition, FEMA, Head Start Program, Housing Choice Voucher Program, Housing Counseling and Rentals, Outreach and Referral, Community Volunteer Center and Weatherization Program.
Rep/Contact Info

Lawrence Kansas
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718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Contact Info
(785) 865-4411
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